31 Lessons in Year 31


31 years old. Wow. I’ve been alive thirty-one years (plus 9ish months if you believe life starts at conception).

In the past, I’ve written about lessons learned throughout the years. I’ve also been wanting to get back into writing, so I figured reflecting on the past year would be a great place to start. Sooo… Here it is – 31 lessons I’ve learned in the past 365 days:

  1. Health is a journey.
  2. At any point in time, a beautiful relationship can start or end. We rarely see either coming.
  3. Love and respect are mutual. A person can and will love and respect another even if they don’t completely understand or agree.
  4. Some people are better than they used to be simply because I’m in a better position to accept them as they are. They haven’t actually changed all that much.
  5. A great laugh is a sign of a life enjoyed.
  6. Just go to the doctor. Not knowing really is scarier.
  7. Just get a second opinion. Not all doctors are right. That’s okay.
  8. Pain should be addressed. Don’t ignore it because it’s low-grade. It’s still pain.
  9. Vent but don’t whine. Acknowledge but don’t linger.
  10. When you plant seeds, water and love them. Just because your favorite doesn’t bloom as expected doesn’t mean you won’t reap what you sow from another.
  11. All lives matter. Even yours. Even mine.
  12. You can do the same exact set of activities with 4 different people and have 4 completely different experiences.
  13. Thirteen people is a lot of people to have in one camper, but that doesn’t make it a bad thing.
  14. My kindness is a secret strength.
  15. If you feel crazy, you’re probably just sick. Others go through this. You might feel alone but you aren’t.
  16. Anything and everything is a lesson if you’re willing to grow.
  17. “Aunts are just moms you don’t live with.” (Via my Pre-K nephew)
  18. Even people you don’t like have feelings.
  19. Anger is often sadness too afraid to be itself.
  20. Anger is often fear too sad to be itself.
  21. What a person does is more valuable than what a person says.
  22. You’ll surprise yourself with what you’re willing to believe.
  23. I really don’t like whining or excuses… Especially when they come from me.
  24. Having the partner I have is the smartest and healthiest decision I’ve ever made. He only propels me forward.
  25. Even Mary Poppins demanded days off for self-care and she was practically perfect in every way.
  26. Drink more water and do it frequently.
  27. Self-love is not selfish – even if others perceive it that way.
  28. Sometimes self-love looks like saying no to something you want but do not need.
  29. It is what it is.
  30. What you accomplish is your own fault.
  31. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Even if you think they don’t deserve it. Especially if you think they don’t deserve it.

Okay. *deep breath* *even deeper exhale*

Some of these are repeats. That’s because sometimes we all have to repeat a lesson or two or more. I haven’t practiced the best grammar. That’s because you don’t have to be the best to be understood.

What’s your favorite lesson I’ve listed? What’s a lesson you’ve learned that you treasure?

Thank you for reading. I feel so valued when others take the time to read my thoughts.

Keep working on your inner Peace. Keep showing Love. Keep Trucking along. βœŒοΈπŸ’œπŸš›

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